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From The Blog
Blog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, academic success in bilingualism, bilingual education, bilingual student strategies, bilingualism in education, cognitive benefits of bilingualism, culturally responsive teaching, global citizenship, guest blog, guest blogger, guest post, linguistic diversity in schools, multilingual classrooms, supporting bilingual students
Celebrate and Support Bilingual Students
Blog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better, classroom-focused professional development, Custom PD, Custom professional development, customized PD, PD, PD for teachers, personalized professional development, professional development, professional growth for educators, tailored training for teachers, teach better, teach better team, teacher success strategies, team post
Why Personalized Professional Development Is a Game-Changer for Teachers
Blog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Reflect Better, academic benefits of bilingualism, bilingual education, bilingual student resources, cultural inclusion in schools, culturally responsive teaching, global competency, guest blog, guest blogger, guest post, inclusive education, multilingual classrooms, multilingual teaching strategies, supporting bilingual students
Hour of Code Celebration: Computer Science Education Week
Blog, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier, December productivity, energy management, guest blog, guest blogger, guest post, Instructional Coaching, Kendra Adachi, managing capacity, matching your energy, planning your day, teach happier, Teach Happier blog series, teach happier series, teacher self care, teaching strategies, work/life balance
How Do You Feel TODAY?
Blog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Reflect Better, #InclusiveSchoolsWeek, celebrating diversity, creating inclusive environments, diversity in schools, fostering equity, guest blog, guest blogger, guest post, inclusive classrooms, inclusive education, inclusive read-aloud books, inclusive schools week activities, supporting marginalized students, teacher resources
Inclusive Schools Week: Celebrating “Every Voice Matters”