Best Practices of Successful Co-Teaching

Bridget GenglerBlog, Connect Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Establishing consistent and honest communication methods, such as daily debriefs or shared documents, is crucial for co-teachers to ensure student growth and classroom cohesion. Co-teachers should plan together regularly, share responsibilities, be flexible, and present a united front to students and parents to foster a supportive learning environment. Adopting appropriate co-teaching strategies like parallel teaching, station teaching, and team … Read More

5 Steps to Prepare for Your Teacher Side Hustle

Jeff GargasBlog, Connect Better, EDUcreator, EDUpreneur, Innovate Better, Teacherpreneur Better

TL;DR: To start a teacher side hustle, identify your audience, build trust, and create valuable content to succeed. Build an email list and community that trusts you. Identify your target audience and their pain points. Create and nurture content that addresses these pain points to build your future teacher side hustle. I was reflecting on a conversation I had with … Read More

Episode 150: The Blueprint with Todd Bloomer and Dominic Armano

Darrin PeppardBlog, Leaning Into Leadership

This special mid-week episode is the seventh edition of a series with Dominic Armano, Todd Bloomer, and Darrin teaming up to talk about the hot topics in educational leadership today. On this episode, we are talking about Todd’s upcoming book The Blueprint and celebrating 150 episodes of Leaning into Leadership MORE EPISODES

Co-Teaching: Piloting Your Way to Success

Sanam EdwardsBlog, Connect Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Co-teaching parallels co-piloting, emphasizing teamwork and communication. Crew Resource Management fosters safe, efficient teamwork in aviation. Teachers can apply CRM principles to enhance co-teaching effectiveness. Co-teaching is much like co-piloting (at the outset, it should be clear that my husband is a pilot!). I hear a lot of flying jargon in my house since my father and father-in-law are … Read More

Leading with Intention: Transform Your Educational Leadership

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Leading With Intention offers actionable strategies for educational leaders to make intentional decisions and foster interconnected school communities. Authored by experienced leaders Dr. Peter DeWitt and Michael Nelson, the book provides valuable perspectives for educators at all levels. The book includes charts, checklists, and reflective tools on topics like self-awareness and creating learning networks to enhance leadership skills. Are … Read More