Episode 16 | Featuring Lisa Cherry

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Lisa Cherry is an author and a leading international trainer and consultant, specialising in assisting those in Education, Social Care and Adoption and Fostering to understand trauma, recovery and resilience for vulnerable children, young people and their families. Lisa has over 30 years of experience in this field and combines academic knowledge and research with professional skills and personal experience.

Lisa’s MA research looked at the impact on education and employment for care experienced adults who experienced school exclusion as children in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Currently, Lisa is undertaking her DPhil studies at The University of Oxford in the Department of Education, asking the research question “How are care-experienced adults’ identities shaped by narratives of being excluded from school?”

Lisa’s new book is Conversations that Make a Difference for Children and Young People: Relationship-Focused Practice from the Frontline (Routledge, May 20 2021).

Good relationships are full of consistency and boundaries, and that is not in opposition to kindness and compassion and the kind of relationships that make a difference. –Lisa Cherry Share on X

Connect with Lisa!
Twitter: @_LisaCherry
Instagram: @recovery_is_a_way_of_life
YouTube: Lisa Cherry
Web: lisacherry.co.uk


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