Episode 118: I’ve Worked on Me…Now What?

Lindsay TitusDefine YOUniversity Podcast

Hello Define YOU Crew! I am so excited YOU are here! Welcome to the Define YOUniversity Podcast!

I will always, yes always, teach and preach that YOU come first. It gets to be that simple. That before YOU are a teacher or educator, YOU are a human being. So working on YOU always comes first. But, then what? What do we do next? In this week’s episode I’m sharing some simple activities that YOU can do to enhance your classroom design for the upcoming school year! Creating the connection between personal and professional expansion is essential, and this episode will help build your momentum for both!

The activities in this week’s episode, aren’t very hard to do, but they do take some time and reflecting! One activity will guide YOU through the visualization of your classroom, focusing what what YOU hear, feel, and see!

In addition to this activity, I share 3 additional tips/strategies YOU can use to design a classroom that aligns to YOU, while still providing for the unique needs of your students!

  1. Understand that rules/expectations are different from values

  2. Create a personal and classroom mission statement

  3. Pick engaging activities that focus on connection

Within the episode I share some simple tips on how to make these easy and purposeful to any classroom!

I also shared resources throughout the episode, which are linked here!

Vibration Charts

Mission Training

Classroom Leadership Plan

Take a listen and of course let me know what resonates with you and what you will taking away from the episode! As always, thank you for being YOU and thank you for supporting DEFINE YOUniversity! Please be sure to tag me @lindsaytitusedu on Instagram and share this episode with your friends, your colleagues, or anyone YOU think would love this episode! I’m always so grateful to YOU for spreading the word and the mission of Define YOUniversity!

Please be sure to subscribe to ensure you are notified when new episodes drop each week and if you feel the love of the episode I’d be so honored to have you rate and review on Apple Podcast so the word of the show can be shared to as many people as possible!


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Creating the connection between personal and professional expansion is essential, and this episode will help build your momentum for both! Share on X