Episode 110: 5 Ways to Decompress after a Challenging Day

Lindsay TitusDefine YOUniversity Podcast

Hello Define YOU Crew! I am so excited YOU are here! Welcome to the Define YOUniversity Podcast!

In this week’s episode, we’re talking about a situation, I think most of us have been through…
Those days that just seem to be never ending
Those days filled with challenges
That just when you think you’ve overcome one,
The next one is staring right at you.

We’ve all been there
Myself included.
And in the past, I would have remained stuck.

I would have had no idea what next step to take.
I would have given up on the day and let the day define me.

And now?
Now I’m focused on staying in control of defining my day, even if the day has challenges.

So what does that focus look like?
While it changes and looks different each day, here are 5 ways that I’ve learned to decompress
after a challenging day to help me increase my energy and excitement for the afternoon and evening ahead!

1. Keep My Self-Talk In Check

2. Put my Phone Away for a Certain Time Period

3. Make a Results List from the Day

4. Pick an item from my ‘caring for myself’ list

5. Release the emotion before bed and set the intention for a new day ahead

Take a listen and of course let me know what resonates with you and what you will taking away from the episode! As always, thank you for being YOU and thank you for supporting DEFINE YOUniversity! Please be sure to tag me @lindsaytitusedu on Instagram and share this episode with your friends, your colleagues, or anyone YOU think would love this episode! I’m always so grateful to YOU for spreading the word and the mission of Define YOUniversity!

Please be sure to subscribe to ensure you are notified when new episodes drop each week and if you feel the love of the episode I’d be so honored to have you rate and review on Apple Podcast so the word of the show can be shared to as many people as possible!


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This week's episode shares 5 simple ways YOU can decompress after a challenging days...yes those days! We've all been there, and there is no shame in honoring your feelings after these days that just drain YOU! Take a listen today to… Share on X