You Can’t Be Prepared for This

Jeff GargasBlog, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Go into this school year knowing you can’t be prepared for every possible scenario. Plan to change your plan, and prepare to be unprepared. Now is the time to take risks and try new things—even if you fail. You learn and grow from every failure and put yourself in a position to succeed the next time. Hey, how’s your … Read More

Choice + Voice: Powerhouse Combo in the Classroom

Lindsay TitusBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Grade Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better

TL;DR: Choice and voice are essential in order to engage students. Student choice is directly related to the concept of autonomy. Student voice is often communicated through their choices and behaviors. It might be the teacher in me, but when words rhyme or have a strong sense of alliteration, I’m all for it! Two of my favorites? CHOICE + VOICE, … Read More

192: Lead with love. – Shawn Peck chats with us about achieving teacher immortality, the strength of being willing to fail, and why you absolutely have to love kids.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Assistant Principal, Shawn Peck, chats with us about achieving teacher immortality, the strength of being willing to fail, and why you absolutely have to love kids. Shawn’s Recommendations EdTech Tool: Everything Google Book: “Grading For Equity” by Joe Feldman “When I Was The Greatest” by Jason Reynolds “Talking to Strangers” by Malcom Gladwell (audiobook) Who to Follow on Social Media: … Read More

Routine vs. Schedule

Teach Better TeamBlog, Lead Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Establishing a flexible routine for children includes your morning routine, work routine, downtime routine, and evening routine. Kids can either follow a strict schedule or a daily routine. It’s important to remember that life happens—circumstances and emotions change day to day. Now that I am a few weeks into remote teaching with both my students and my own three … Read More