Episode 5 | Featuring Carli Parsons & Sandy Millar

Brad HughesGood News Brad News Podcast

Carli Parsons and Sandy Millar are school leaders in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada. They are the co-founders of InnovatED, a company dedicated to reimagining education to better prepare students for a rapidly changing world. Carli has dedicated her career to motivating those around her to invest in the achievement and well-being of all students. Carli began her career teaching English and … Read More

EP68: The New Virtual

The Staff Room PodcastStaff Room Podcast

In Episode 68 of The Staffroom Podcast, Chey and Pav revisit their experience with Virtual teaching, as they have recently twirled back to learning this way from Face-to-face teaching, which they have been engaged in for the past 4 months. They cover all the improvements they have seen with the teaching they are doing, and the supports that are out … Read More

The Secret to Success: A Little Goes a Long Way

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Some cooking advice that also applies to remote teaching. Steps and questions to consider when planning for distance learning. Cooking is a hobby I enjoy, as well as a pleasant distraction from life.  After eating an enjoyable dish at a restaurant, I make it a goal to try to achieve success and replicate the recipe, but make it even … Read More

Creating your Student Tracking Page using the Triage System

Rae HughartBlog, Differentiate Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: A quick introduction to the triage system for your classroom. Steps to set up a triage system and how it can benefit remote learning. Other potential uses, and a challenge for you! The triage system changed my classroom a few years ago when I connected with Chad Ostrowski. The student tracking page was the missing element I needed to … Read More