What’s The Question – Connie Hamilton

Rob BreyerGuiding Principals Podcast

Guest: Connie Hamilton
Connie Hamilton Ed.S. has 25 years in education as teacher, instructional coach, elementary/secondary principal and K-12 district administrator. She is an international educational consultant and presenter, and the author of two books, including her latest, Hacking Questions.
Teachers describe her workshops as meaningful and engaging as she models quality instructional methods that can be used in the classroom tomorrow. She applies her deep understanding of pedagogy in workshops such as Questioning, Formative Assessment, Student Engagement, Feedback, and more.
Connie spends most of her year facilitating classroom observations in a collaborative setting so teachers can learn from one another as they implement new strategies with students. She brings these experiences to her workshops to help teachers put research into practice in ways that make sense.
I wrote Hacking Questions to be very concrete and immediately transferable. So, I’d hope educators would see the application without much mental effort. But as they’re implementing and trying new twists on what are often standard practices, I hope they’re asking questions like:
  • What students am I not reaching with this approach?
  • How is my questioning impacting the rapport with individual students and the culture in my learning space?
  • Why are some students responding and others are not? Is there a pattern?
  • What biases surface through the way I deliver and respond to questions?
Twitter: @ConnieHamilton #HackingQs


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