Top 20 Blog Posts to Start 2020

Teach Better TeamDifferentiate Better, Engage Better, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Tech Better

In This Post:

  • A look back at my favorite blog posts from 2019.
  • Want to be on this list? Guest blog with us in 2020!

As we embark on 2020, I find myself reflecting back on 2019. There’s been a lot of growth and change, much of it positive. And at Teach Better, that is always our goal.

Better today. Better tomorrow.

It has been such a great experience for me to take on the Teach Better blog. I’ve loved learning from all of our writers, those from the team and our guest bloggers. Each post is full of experience, new tools, and exciting perspectives. All of which have helped me grow.

So as we head into 2020, here are my top 20 posts from the past year.

Each post is full of experience, new tools, and exciting perspectives. All of which have helped me grow. Share on X

1. Reflecting on #TeachBetter19

In this piece, Jeff looks back at the very first Teach Better Conference. It’s an amazing look behind the scenes that really shows the passion and dedication the team has to lifting up educators.

2. Modifications & Accommodations for Diverse Learners

Whitney Choate, an extraordinary guest blogger, brings us a comprehensive look at ways to support our students in the classroom. She also clarifies a question many have… “What is the difference between an accommodation and modification?”

3. Teacher Ownership – It’s All About Autonomy

This post, written by principal Brian Faulkner, addresses the importance of viewing teachers as professionals. His administrative style allows his teachers a lot of freedom, giving them the room to become the educator they dream of being.

4. Waiting to Have “Those Conversations” is Hurting Students

Rae Hughart beautifully discusses the importance of talking to our students about their futures – in an authentic way. She advocates for helping our students find what moves them, and then encouraging them to follow that path.

5. Modeling Technology Use for Our Students

In this post, Jeremy Rinkel gives us ideas to show our students how to use technology effectively and appropriately. In today’s world, with technology available all the time, it is an important skill to learn.

6. Creating Emotional Safety in the Classroom

In order for students to learn, they have to feel safe and welcome. In this post, Karen Evans describes ways to create, cultivate, and foster emotional safety in your classroom.

7. Visiting Other Teachers’ Classrooms: Seeing Life on the Other Side

Dr. Maribeth Edmunds captures the value in getting outside of our own classrooms – and comfort zones – to see other educators at work.

8. 5 Out of the Box Ways to Engage TEACHERS in Professional Development

Presenting in front of other teachers can be intimidating. Thankfully, guest blogger Lauren Salsinger outlines 5 ways to engage teachers in professional development!

9. Using Words to Cultivate Classroom Community

“The words we use matter.” Kendall Lawson artfully describes the value and importance of the words we choose, and the words we encourage our students to use.

10. Personalized Learning for Professional Development

In this post, Jacqueline Goodburn describes the hallmarks of effective, meaningful, personalized professional development for educators. She even offers tips on how to rethink professional development to include teacher voice and choice!

11. #TeacherLife – Finding a PLN on Instagram

Teacher Instagram can be a treasure trove of great ideas for your classroom. But how do you find it? Check out Erin Hall‘s post on ways to get started on Teacher Insta!

12. The Balance

Struggling to let go of control but maintain structure? See Aubrey Jones‘s piece on her personal journey to find balance and allow her students more freedom.

13. Stewards of Their Journey: Promoting Student Engagement & Autonomy

In this post, Marebeth DiMare discusses student learning as a journey. She also provides ways to ensure your students fully understand the destination and have the tools to get there!

14. Before You Know How, You Have to Know Why

Christine Ravesi-Weinstein visits the notion of purpose and the importance of focusing on your why in this post. For school leaders, she also gives tips to help lead with your why!

15. Make Every Moment Count: Myths and Strategies for Learning

Feel like time is being wasted? Check out Mary Ellen Riley‘s post that dispels some educational myths and offers some great strategies to get the most out of your instructional time.

16. Strategies to Increase Critical Thinking Skills in Students

In this post, you’ll find one of my favorite quotes from the year… “Our job is to teach our students HOW to think, not WHAT to think.” Check out Matthew Joseph‘s piece on how to encourage your students to think deeper and more analytically.

17. 28 Ways to Instantly Help a Colleague Feel Better

We’ve all had difficult days. I love this piece by Allyson Apsey because it gives us ways to help our colleagues feel better on theirs.

18. Dear Desk, It’s Not You, It’s Me: Promoting Student Agency

Student agency is at the heart of personalized learning. In this post, Katie Alvarez highlights ways to shift your pedagogical thinking to promote student agency in your classroom.

19. 4 Ways Guest Blogging Can Help Your Career

In this post, Chad outlines the benefits of guest blogging and how it can help you become better. And as we head in to 2020, why not start guest blogging with us?

20. Teaching Writing for Student Voice

My very first post for the Teach Better blog has a special place in my heart. I discuss the importance of allowing our students to express themselves through writing, and provide ways to adjust your writing instruction to encourage this approach.

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Thank you so much to all of our guest bloggers and readers for a wonderful 2019. I am so grateful for your willingness to share ideas, strategies, and resources. I look forward to learning more from you in 2020!


About Katelynn Giordano

Katelynn Giordano is a 6th grade language arts teacher in the Chicago suburbs and the Digital Content Editor for the Teach Better Team. She loves writing, both on her blog, Curriculum Coffee, and for the Teachers on Fire magazine on Medium. She is a dynamic educator with a focus on student empowerment in the ELA classroom. Her writing and presentations are all about incorporating student voice, choice, and personalized learning in your teaching practice.

Katelynn is active on Twitter and Instagram, and loves to collaborate with educators everywhere! In her free time, she enjoys relaxing with her husband and her cat, Chickpea, drinking coffee, and reading YA books.