Six Tips to Write Your First Book

Kristen NanBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better


  • There are 6 tips to write your first book: go digital, start writing, keep organized, know your why and stick to it, move your mindset, and dangle the carrot.
  • Start writing!

Whether you have a story of inspiration and determination or a wealth of knowledge and experience to share, writing a book may be the perfect opportunity for you. The biggest step you can take is to get started…get your words out of your head and onto something…which takes me to tip #1 in Part 1 of the 3 Part Series: Six Tips to Write Your First Book!

Tip #1: Go Digital! 

As much as paper and pencil can feel good, and oftentimes is cathartic, opening up a digital tool to type in can lead to a very productive journey for your book.  As a result, the benefits are numerous:

  1. Easy to edit
  2. Accessible anywhere
  3. Sharable
  4. Organized
  5. Voice recording
  6. Grammar app for edits

Tip #2: Start Writing, Literally!  

Don’t overthink the process! In other words, just open up a Google Doc (or preferred digital tool) and share whatever it is that is speaking to you at that moment.  It may fit in later to your book vision or it may not, just begin! Believe in yourself and what you have to share! 

By using these 6 tips to write your first book, you can start your journey today! Be sure to keep an eye out for more blogs from me on this topic...Part 2: Tools and Resources & Part 3: Steps to Find a Publisher. Share on X

Tip #3: Keep Organized! 

New thought = New Doc! Above all, keep yourself organized by putting new ideas and reflections in separate docs so that they can grow into their own entity and not get lost amongst the vast amount of ideas.  

Tip #4: Know Your WHY and Stick to It! 

Know your WHY! What is your purpose in sharing with the world? What impact do you want to create? On who? If you find yourself sharing many different ideas as you write, stop and question what the common thread is for each of them.  In addition, self-questioning and reflection can lead you to your WHY

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Tip #5: Move Your Mindset! 

Move your mindset from needing a title, a beginning, chapters, illustrations, quotes, and whatever else you have seen or heard that you think is needed to write a book.  In other words, your creativity needs an open mindset to journey.  If you predetermine every move, you may lock yourself into a feeling of writer’s block, when you just need to move your mindset a little bit.  Your uniqueness may be the refreshing change that readers need and are looking for! Once you write about a specific topic, share with a trusted friend that can highlight what stands out or inspires them with your writing.  This may become that very quote or title that you didn’t envision, yet is the perfect fit! 

Tip #6: Dangle the Carrot! 

Find a way to share sneak peeks of your work without giving it all away.  See what resonates with others and what feedback you receive.  This may be just what you need to keep your vision alive!  Will it be a blog? An educational Twitter chat? In short, make it count, don’t keep it within the confinement of your own four walls.

Go ahead, get started! By using these 6 tips to write your first book, you can start your journey today! Be sure to keep an eye out for more blogs from me on this topic…Part 2: Tools and Resources & Part 3: Steps to Find a Publisher.

About Kristen Nan

Life is about choices… CHOOSE POSITIVE! After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education and Elementary Education (with an emphasis in Emotional Support) Kristen Nan started her career in Learning Support then moved into the regular classroom teaching 3rd grade at Hopewell Elementary, HASD, in Aliquippa, PA for the last 21 years. She is a dreamer…an optimist… a disruptor in education! Her mantra is empowerment at all ages. Kristen believes empowering students to make decisions builds strong character. She instills this with T.R.U.E G.R.I.T. Kristen was most recently awarded 2017 Week 1 Steeler Chevron Leader in the Classroom for innovative practices.
