A Teacher Village: Showing Appreciation

Andrea BitnerBlog, Connect Better, Self Care Better


  • Teacher Appreciation Week stands at a particularly tiring time of the year.
  • “School life” is a thing.
  • Educators: we see you, we hear you, and we love you.

Teacher Appreciation Week

As I write this, it’s Friday, the last day of “Teacher Appreciation Week.”  Like many of us, I am sitting down after a long journey of two-week mandated state testing. For two weeks, we supported our students, colleagues, and administrators through the roar of hijacked schedules, paperwork, deadlines, extended time, tears, frustration, make-ups, thumbs up, high-fives, and small wins. Our pencils are now put away. Bins have been returned. Our eyes are tired. Our patience is a bit weary. And our hearts are asking for rest.

Yet it is on this very day that I was able to sit down and fill my heart with appreciation. Not only for the teachers I have had who have impacted my learning (shout out to Mrs. Worrell, Mr. Weaver, Mr. D, Mr. Donnelly, and Mrs. Shulman), but to the colleagues I get to experience “school life” with every single day.

School life?” people say. Educators will smile and say “Yep. School. Life.” I know you know!

Below is a short piece I sent to the teachers in our district. I think it’s fitting that I also share it with all of you! Here is what’s on my heart.

We supply both the life jackets and ropes that students need to be pulled onto the shore of learning! Our kids are successful because of ALL of us and the teamwork it takes to get them to SWIM! Share on X

The Letter

Dear Team,

There is no village like a “teacher village.”

Together, as support and content area teachers, we supply both the life jackets and ropes that students need to be pulled onto the shore of learning!

Our kids are successful because of ALL of us and the teamwork it takes to get them to SWIM!

In my 22-year career, I have been lucky enough to work in every grade level, K-12 as a support teacher and work alongside administrators on many district initiatives! I started at the high school as an English Teacher, headed over to grades 1-5 as a Reading Specialist…side stepped periodically the Kindergarten Academy to do some co-teaching, shared the love by adding on a support role for EL, and this year, gained a lot of joy from working with our EL students in our middle schools!

From these experiences, I can tell you this: Every single educator I have ever crossed paths with shows the love, grit, and dedication it takes to do this vocation.

As I travel the halls each day, I want you to know: I SEE you.


  • you giving your best, even when the world outside of those school walls may be at its worst.
  • you having fun with your students and colleagues and sharing your smiles and encouragement.
  • the education family we have created. I am honored to be a small part of it!

Thank you to each and every one of you for your teamwork, family, friendship, and love.

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Not just on my good days. But on my challenging days too.

Lord knows we have all shared a good laugh and cry together!

I appreciate and adore our village.

From PA to CA, and for every mile and in every direction in between.

I see you.

About Andrea Bitner

Andrea Bitner is a proud wife and mother of two beautiful daughters. She lives on the East Coast among some of the fastest speaking people in the country! She has worked with students in grades K-12 through her twenty years in public education from all around the world. Her work as an English Language Teacher, Reading Specialist, Literacy Coach, Presenter, and High School English Teacher inspired her to continue to share the great news: Learning a Second Language is an asset, not a handicap! She hopes to inform, influence, and inspire all readers and leaders to continue to be a champion for all stakeholders in the education community around the world.