TL;DR: “Eventually” symbolizes resilience in teaching’s ups and downs. Each challenge is a step toward professional growth and triumph. Embrace the power of perspective shift for a resilient teaching journey. Are you ready for a transformative journey through the ups and downs of the teaching world? Join me as I share key insights, delving into the heart of resilience, growth, … Read More
Calendar Non-Negotiables
TL;DR: Examining weekly, monthly, and yearly routines for happiness and well-being. Weekly: Carve out time for personal recharge and engage in meaningful activities like church. Yearly: Take a summer Facebook break for mental clarity and prioritize annual gatherings with loved ones for lasting joy. Calendar Non-Negotiables Back in April, we examined a few underwhelming routines I put in place every … Read More
Edcamp-Style Faculty Meetings
TL;DR: Originating in 2010, Edcamp flips traditional conferences by allowing attendees to choose session topics, fostering engagement and shared learning. Encourage problem-solving, resource-sharing, and collaboration among educators, elevating teacher voice and promoting ownership of learning. Staff propose and vote on topics, fostering engagement and addressing relevant issues. This participant-driven approach fosters trust and respect, crucial for teacher retention and professional … Read More
Unlocking Learning Potential: Culturally Responsive Teaching
TL;DR: Culturally Responsive Teaching goes beyond diversifying the curriculum. It reshapes education by embracing students’ diverse backgrounds, fostering respect, and celebrating cultural differences. CRT emphasizes authentic connections with students, integrating their cultural backgrounds into learning to foster belonging and ownership of their educational journey. CRT promotes equity in education by bridging gaps and nurturing critical thinking and empathy, preparing students … Read More
Food for Thought: Shrimp Scampi and Standards-Based Grading
TL;DR: Standards-based grading is like shrimp scampi: great when done right, frustrating when done poorly. It is essential to understand what stands-based grading is if we are going to use it to make a difference. Insist on quality professional learning and ongoing support to make sure SBG is implemented with integrity. One of my wife’s favourite dishes to order whenever … Read More