Curriculum and Online Learning Specialist, Collegiate Basketball Coach, and author, Rebecca Gibboney, chats with us about taking risks, practicing balance, and getting out of your comfort zone.
'I think it’s ok to remember you’re not going to get every job your interview for.' - @GibboneyRebecca from episode 153 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 1:39 – Chatting about the “Mailbag” episodes of ASPIRE: The Leadership Podcast.
- 3:45 – Highlighting Sarah Thomas (@SarahDaTeechur).
- 6:30 – Previewing the episode with Rebecca Gibboney.
- 9:26 – Rebecca introduces herself.
- 10:32 – Rebecca’s failure: The job interview process.
- 12:56 – Rebecca’s success: Going for a new job outside of her comfort zone.
- 14:56 – What’s keeping Rebecca excited about education right now: Advocating for educators.
- 16:42 – Rebecca’s advice for teachers: If you are not failing, you aren’t doing it right. So many want to be a cookie-cutter teacher. Take risks, practice balance, and know that you are more than your content!
- 18:48 – Talking about Rebecca’s upcoming book, “The Tiebreaker: A Scouting Report on Building a Culture for Gamification in Professional Learning.”
- 22:13 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 25:45 – How to connect with Rebecca.
Rebecca’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Wakelet
- Book: The Infinite Game – Simon Sinek
- Who to Follow on Social Media:
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Gerry Brooks ; Cult of Pedagogy
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Exercise, 30 minutes to yourself (coffee, getaway, etc)
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: 5 minutes or 5 years; what’s going to matter.
Links to Connect With Rebecca
- Website:
- Twitter: @GibboneyRebecca
- Instagram: @gibboneyrebecca
- Book: “The Tiebreaker: A Scouting Report on Building a Culture for Gamification in Professional Learning”