The Value of Sharing

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better


  • There is so much value in sharing that we can benefit from as educators.
  • When we work together, we can be beacons of change to the educational system.  

From our earliest years, we have been taught the value of sharing. Our parents and our teachers have guided us on how to share with one another. 

For many of us, the ability to share knowledge is one main aspect we enjoy about teaching. And for many educators, the thirst for knowledge never ceases.

I believe so wholeheartedly that if we have a platform solely focused on education, we will solve so many problems we experience in our careers. So friends, let’s share better so that we can teach better. Share on X

When educators have opportunities to share their knowledge collaboratively, the benefits for them and their students are endless. Unfortunately, those opportunities are not always offered within the school system, so teachers turn to other outlets to gain new ideas, to fill the thirst for knowledge they so often have. And yet, the time spent searching often results in unsatisfactory results or at the expense of time and money further propelling schools away from offering an equitable education. 

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We have to close the gap. We have to recognize that by not sharing, we are doing more harm than good.

And we have to return to that lesson our parents and teachers taught us about, sharing. Genuinely, freely, sharing

There are educators throughout the country who show up each day and teach wonderfully thoughtful, provoking, engaging lessons. How many more wonderfully thoughtful, provoking, engaging lessons could we create if those ideas were shared? How many more teachers would stay in the profession if they had a supportive collaborative environment? And how many more students would receive the education they deserve if educators came together to share resources with each other in a burden free way?

There is so much good that can be done together when we stop worrying about profit to be made or focusing on the “this was my idea” feeling. When we work together, we can be beacons of change to the educational system.  

I became involved with Education Blueprint because my own experiences have taught me how important it is to help my colleagues in any way I can. I believe so wholeheartedly that if we have a platform solely focused on education, we will solve so many problems we experience in our careers. So friends, let’s share better so that we can teach better. 

About Nicole Kelly

Nicole Kelly is an educator from southwestern Pennsylvania. She has eight years of teaching experience in public and private educational settings. Nicole earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. Currently, she teaches full time and is the Content Curator for Education Blueprint.