More than JUST Winter Break: Cherish the Season!

Teach Better TeamBlog, Manage Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier


  • Make the moments count over winter break.
  • This post shares ideas for ways you can make the most of this winter break and holiday season.

I love the holidays, as it is my turn to hibernate! My favourite thing to do is decorate for Christmas and New Years. I love how home is so special when we do have time to spend at home and relax. These days help us be excited about teaching and we come back ready to embrace teaching in the New Year!

Inspire Yourself During Holidays, Winter Break, or Christmas Holidays!

Winter is spectacular in Ontario: it’s cold sometimes, even freezing.  But honestly, it’s picture-perfect like a postcard, advertising the most perfect place—when you look out the window when that first snowfall arrives and continues. I love that it’s white and everything you can imagine it to be when you have to embrace the moments of shoveling and ice and all those real-life situations that come with winter!

  1. Do what you love to do over the break and make intentional time for it so that you have time for yourself.
  2. Spend time with family and friends, real quality time so that you get to be with them.
  3. Make it an important time for you to re-energize and come back with positive energy to start the New Year.
  4. Know that we are human, we have up and downs in life and we lead ourselves the best we know how as an educator.
  5. Stretch the days and the moments so that you fit everything that you want to into your break.
Be inspired, spark your passion for another year ahead, and stay energized. Wishing everyone a prosperous 2022 as you celebrate the New Year on the calendar! Make those resolutions really count! Click To Tweet

Make the moments count!

  • Read for fun
  • Plan your next vacation or “staycation”
  • Watch movies
  • Cook those meals that you wanted to try making
  • Spend time listening to the songs
  • Rest and relax
  • Embrace quiet days looking out the window
  • Go for long walks
  • Write those Christmas or holiday cards
  • Give gratitude for those gifts and special celebrations
[scroll down to keep reading]

When There is No Snow During the Holiday Break

Then you have those WARM days in the “winter” down south in the United States to look forward to! Plan those warm Christmas or holiday celebrations from around the world to cherish the holidays season. Up north here we do wish to have warmer weather when it’s -35 celsius and freezing. I remember a HOT temperature of 30 degree celisus temperature for Christmas in the tropical island where I grew up! Wherever you are teaching, make it memorable.

  • Stay connected with the global network of educators
  • Be there for each other; there’s no better way to mentor
  • Engage learning opportunities

I wish all educators a restful winter “vacation” or holiday season and have a blast on your “staycation” moments at home since we as teachers love the quiet moments that we can embrace!

Be inspired, spark your passion for another year ahead, and stay energized. Wishing everyone a prosperous 2022 as you celebrate the New Year on the calendar! Make those resolutions really count!

Yours in Education,


See the full blog series here!

About Nilmini Ratwatte-Henstridge

Nilmini Ratwatte-Henstridge teaches in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. She was born in Sri Lanka and immigrated to Canada with her family. As an Elementary School Teacher who is passionate about Equity, Social Justice, and Human Rights in education, she enjoys teaching the younger generation to be global-minded citizens.

Discovering the world by connecting with others is an opportunity that we have today in our society today and she loves meeting new people! She is always learning while traveling to understand the inter-connectedness of this beautiful earth we live in! Nilmini LOVES cooking great meals, watching movies, and the latest fashion trends! Family and friends are close to her heart as she looks forward to balancing social media and navigating professional learning communities in education to network globally this year!