Finding Rest During These Times

Susan JachymiakBlog, Manage Better, Self Care Better


  • You are making a difference by simply showing up and doing your best each day.
  • It is okay to take a break. We need to take care of ourselves before we take care of others.
  • When your mind takes a break to decompress, creativity flows better.

Prior to the pandemic, I was a person who was always on the move. I was trying to record two podcast episodes a week, teach full time, write articles occasionally, etc. As the pandemic occurred, it seemed like I realized what I essentially needed, which was rest and lots of it. The world slowed down for me, and I was able to get the rest I needed from the hustle around me. I wore my busyness like a badge of honor, and I used it to dictate my worth.

It is okay to take a break. In fact, we need to do so. And like one of my favorite professors frequently reminds me, in order to take care of others, we need to take care of ourselves first. Share on X

What I needed to do was simply show up.

I have to thank Dr. Stacey Gonzales for that inspiration. She frequently reminded me and continues to remind me that by simply showing up and doing my best each day, I am making a difference.

The truth is, I needed a little break to find my why again. After reflecting, I realized that I can still do the things I love that fuel my heart with passion and joy. Whatever doesn’t, I need to reevaluate the importance of it in my life.

Finding Rest

It is okay to take a break. In fact, we need to do so. And like one of my favorite professors frequently reminds me, in order to take care of others, we need to take care of ourselves first.

Once I got enough rest and relaxation, I suddenly felt like I was able to conquer my to-do list and continue in what I am passionate about. Creativity flows better when the mind is able to take a break and decompress.

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Finding Rest Because You Are Worth It

Please remember you are worth it, and it is absolutely okay to take a break. Teacher guilt can be real, but we all deserve rest and relaxation to refuel our minds and bodies in order to be the best version of ourselves.

About Susan Jachymiak

Ms. Jachymiak is a 4th year teacher currently teaching 6th grade math. She is passionate about growth mindset and helping students achieve their full potential. She is also passionate about supporting new teachers and building a strong and uplifting Professional Learning Network.