- Connections create the foundation of positive relationships.
- Positive relationships form trust with students and increase success.
- When difficult situations occur, positive relationships will make a difference.
In today’s world, schools are often seen as prioritizing compliance over connections. Let’s reverse that! Prioritize connection over compliance instead!
Compliance is necessary for maintaining order and safety. However, it can create a power dynamic that erodes trust and respect. Prioritizing connection over compliance leads to more positive relationships and outcomes. This is not smoke and mirrors. Administrators and teachers who focus on building solid connections handle difficult conversations and challenging situations. A few simple tweaks can help!
Restorative questions help adults retain a connection with students.
Restorative questions help frame the behavior situation while teachers and students de-escalate. Share the beautifully engaging activities in your building to grow a positive connection with families and the community. Use both social media and newsletters to share photos and videos. #SocialSchool4Edu helps schools build a robust social media presence.
Connection helps students thrive! Share on XFamilies love seeing their children and sharing their photos when a school posts them. When our extended families see the shared images, we naturally extend our connection over compliance and build a solid community to support the school!
Connection = Students Thriving
Connection helps students thrive. By prioritizing positive public relations powered by questions used by all staff, social media, and newsletters, schools increase their connection with students and parents! This leads to better outcomes for everyone involved. Administrators focusing on building solid relationships over compliance are better equipped to handle difficult conversations and navigate challenging situations. So let’s shift our perspective to connection over compliance and watch our schools and students soar.
[scroll down to keep reading]Make the positive LOUD!
Finally, keep in mind this quote by George Couros. “We need to make the positive so LOUD that the negative becomes almost impossible to hear.” Harness your positive growth mindset and share your school’s story to share the connection over compliance perspective.
About Suzanne Rogers
Suzanne M. Rogers is an accomplished, passionate, technology-inspired educator, experienced conference presenter, and yoga enthusiast. She is the Assistant Director of Public Relations at LISA Academy Public Charter Schools. In addition to her 20 years of work in education, Suzanne also serves on the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Educator Advisory Board, the UCA Executive Advisory Board, the UCA MAT Program Advisory Board, and the SAU ERZ Advisory.
Suzanne’s passion for education and her community is evident in her involvement in these organizations, where she works tirelessly to support students and educators. As an #ArmyMom and former #AFbrat, Suzanne brings a unique perspective to her work, understanding firsthand the sacrifices made by military families. Suzanne exemplifies dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence.