Connection Over Compliance

Robin ShrumBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Student engagement goes beyond compliance and involves attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion for learning. Authentic engagement requires establishing connections with students to create a safe and supportive learning environment. Strategies for fostering connection in the classroom include showing genuine interest in students, providing choice and voice, conducting morning meetings, being intentional in planning, incorporating real-life connections to content, … Read More

Upholding School Culture

Dana GoodierBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Keep school culture strong. Stay consistent with policies for tardies and absences. Consider students who have improved for awards. Administrators can use problem areas as places for making connections. Always start with One Good Thing. The Administrator Mastermind discussed the topic Connection vs. Compliance during the month of March. These discussions take place on Tuesday mornings at 9 AM EST. During … Read More

Connection Over Compliance: Let’s Soar!

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Connections create the foundation of positive relationships. Positive relationships form trust with students and increase success. When difficult situations occur, positive relationships will make a difference. In today’s world, schools are often seen as prioritizing compliance over connections.  Let’s reverse that! Prioritize connection over compliance instead! Compliance is necessary for maintaining order and safety. However, it can create a power … Read More

5 Tips for Cultivating Atomic Love & Joy

Livia ChanBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: We can experience and cultivate atomic love and joy throughout our day and every day using the 5 tips suggested. Invest in getting to know yourself better. This helps when dealing with adversity. Know what brings you joy and cultivate it! Share love and appreciation. Don’t be afraid to say, “I love you.” Teach Better together. Lean on each … Read More

Creating an Effective Professional Networking Plan

Rae HughartBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: When creating a professional networking plan, consider what you want from others and what you can offer to others. Develop a growth plan, strategically set a filtration system for reflection, and manage realistic goals. Time is your most precious form of currency. Each moment you dedicate to a person, concept, or activity strips you of your 86,400-second daily allotment … Read More