TL;DR: Say yes to students by providing them opportunities to explore their interests outside of the classroom. When you say yes to students exploring their interests, you are providing them time to practice and utilize real-world skills. If you came to me with an idea about something you really want to try or do, learn about, or create, the answer … Read More
Who is YOUR Teacher?
TL;DR: Teachers need teachers too! It is important to reflect on who YOUR teacher is and how they have shaped and influenced you. Consider all of the different people in your life who have shaped who you are today. Last month I reflected on how teachers can influence students by making our classrooms a place they want to be. But … Read More
Smile…and the Whole World Smiles With You
TL;DR: Being a great speaker is all in the delivery. But it’s not just how you speak, it’s about what you say. Build connections with students and earn their respect by giving a smile, being real, and valuing the time you have with them. You may not always have an influence on students right away. Sometimes they don’t come around … Read More
Discovering Your “Why”
TL;DR: Teachers provide more value when they stay up to date on current events around our country and world. We should model for our students what it means to be a lifelong learner. As a teacher, it is important to know your why. Finding your why is a necessary part of your teaching career. My journey to finding my why begins … Read More
Reflect Better: My Great Driving Passion
TL;DR: Introduction to a new series: Reflect Better. Reflect on your practices by focusing on the why, considering where you started, and valuing relationships. Reflecting can help inspire greatness and lead to personal growth. In the years between 1994 and 1997, I began listening to some powerful content. I think it was my mother who got me onto these audiotapes; … Read More