TL;DR: We must dedicate ourselves to happiness like we dedicate ourselves to anything: with discipline. An activity to help you define and discipline your happiness. How are you always so happy? I get asked this often. Maybe 3 times a week. Well dear reader, let me pull back the curtain and let you in on a little secret. I’m not … Read More
Resources for Distance Learning
TL;DR: The benefits of pre-planning and having contingency plans. Kevin’s Top 10 digital resources and websites that he uses with his own students. 5 Bonus resources! Wow, what a week! With the increased spread of the COVID-19 and recommendations from the CDC, many schools are temporarily moving to distance, remote, or digital learning. On Thursday, I found out that my … Read More
Social Distancing Brings Teachers Closer Together
TL;DR: A warm reminder of the network of educators you’ve built. Positive encouragement to reach out to one another during this uncertain, scary time. There are so many headlines in the news right now surrounding the coronavirus and its implications for our world, our homes, and our classrooms. These headlines can be scary. And overwhelming. And cause such discomfort. But … Read More
Doing My Part to End the Mental Health Stigma
In This Post: Ending the stigma surrounding mental health is important, necessary work in our schools. Kindness is a starting point to supporting those struggling with their mental health. A story and a challenge to do your part to end the stigma around mental health. The last few years I’ve been on a mission to end the stigma of talking … Read More
Weekend Happier
TL;DR: Our weekends are already happy, but how can we make them happier? Ideas to be purposeful in our recharging over the weekend. A few weeks ago, I ran an after school workshop. It was a cold February day, and since it was a Thursday, most of us were tired. Downright weary. Limping toward the weekend. To rally the group, … Read More