Out of the House

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: We all need to take a moment to recognize the little things. Take a moment of gratitude for yourself. Because there is almost always a lag time in publishing and because my current reality is changing sometimes by the hour, I don’t know where the world will be when you read this. But as I sit here typing, my … Read More

Model and Empower a Continuous Learning Mindset

Erik YoungmanBlog, Innovate Better

TL;DR: An introduction to the continuous learning mindset. In depth discussion of all 6 components of a continuous learning mindset. Guiding questions to develop or improve a continuous learning mindset. Carol Dweck has shared a variety of research and recommendations about growth mindset.  My experiences as an educator, parent, athlete, and coach have shaped my focus toward the benefits of … Read More

Gamification: Show Me The Evidence!

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better, Tech Better

TL;DR: The difference between playing games and gamification. Elements of gamification… that are also best practices of pedagogy. Research & evidence that supports using gamification for student success. As a teacher of a fully-gamified class, I often hear phrases such as, “That’s really cool, but how do you know the system is working?”  Most of the time this involves a … Read More

Be There: Your Students Need You Now More Than Ever

Amanda BolonBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: An awakening about what our students really need right now. Encouragement during this time of uncertainty. Coming back stronger and better because we cared. I miss you. Those words from my second graders this week on a video call went straight to my heart. Right now, we are all settling into a new “normal,” but one thing that we … Read More