TL;DR: Everyone is special for following their dreams, pursuing their passions, and showing up daily to ensure that we are bettering the lives we serve. Consider the weight of complimenting a special education teacher by stating that they are special people for doing what they do. I think we can all agree that the people who walk the halls each day … Read More
What Teachers Can Do to Help with Anxiety
TL;DR: Generalized anxiety disorder involves the intensity, duration, and frequency of excessive worry. Academic and social implications of generalized anxiety disorder can involve missing school and other events. Physical health and mental health are closely related. Exercise, managing the room, hydrating, making time for calm, and asking for professional help are ways to improve one’s lifestyle. Imagine. It is 2019. … Read More
Power Up Thinking Routines Using Technology Tools
TL;DR: Using technology to enhance thinking routines transforms students from consumers of information to creators, as they share their thinking visually. Technology tools such as Padlet, Pear Deck, Flipgrid, and Google Slides can help students synthesize their thoughts to make their thinking visible. During the 2018-19 school year, my administration at the time introduced the staff to thinking routines. Thinking … Read More
Addressing the Different Educational Needs of Our Students
TL;DR: Educators must address the different educational needs of our students by setting high expectations, building relationships, desiring and implementing change, understanding our own biases, and choosing to connect. Teachers, administrators, and parents should establish and maintain supportive roles in this process of learning. Share your expectations with students by using I can statements. At the beginning of this school … Read More
Think Better: Where Do I Begin?
TL;DR: Introduction to a new series: Think Better. Understanding that our thoughts are powerful and have meaning can provide many benefits to educators. Think better by understanding how growth happens, not overanalyzing, and focusing on today. What does it mean to think better? Through my lens, it means using our thoughts to propel us forward instead of holding us back. … Read More