The Gift of Leadership

Livia ChanBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: There are five aspects to the gift of leadership. We need to see potential, believe in others, nurture the skill, teach leadership explicitly, and then we must provide opportunities to empower them to lead. Leadership is a skill that needs to be developed. Just like all teachers are leaders, all students are leaders too. Notice, name, and nurture. Show … Read More

Introducing Better Leadership

Raymond PortenBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Lessons that are learned in your personal life can transfer to your professional life. Teachers often need similar support to what a family needs. Educational leaders can use the skills, strategies, and ideas they learn from their family and workplace interchangeably. Introducing Better Leadership I have learned many lessons in my schooling or on the job that I have … Read More

Building Capacity by Letting Go

Martin SilvermanBlog, Differentiate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: A few decades ago, children were given the freedom to play with less adult intervention. They learned how to self-regulate and problem solve on their own. Now, adults quickly jump in to provide solutions to every problems. We have disempowered children by controlling many aspects of their day. Snowplow parents smooth the way for their children by removing possible … Read More

Beyond the Desk Leadership

Rob BreyerBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: This time of year is interview season, when more aspiring leaders are named principal. Once named, the work begins. There’s a lot to do before school opens for all principals, seasoned and new! Be present and involved in your school. Be an active leader. Move beyond the desk to work side by side with teachers. Suggestions to help all … Read More

Tag Out

Dave SchmittouBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Instead of doing a walkthrough, administrators can do a tag out. This allows the teacher a chance to do a walkthrough in a room of one of their peers. With tag outs, educators get the time to learn from their peers. This provides them an opportunity to learn more than they might if they were being observed by an … Read More