Summer S.E.E.D.S.

PJ CaposeyBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Teachers are in need of a summer break. While we are good at relaxing, we may not be as good at recharging. We can recharge if we commit to follow five steps for self-care: sleep, exercise, efficacy (intentionally build capacity), diet, and social connectedness. I have heard more teachers utter this phrase in the past month than I can … Read More

Why Mental Health Matters for Teachers

Teach Better TeamBlog, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Being an educator comes with a big investment of time, energy, responsibility, and resources. That’s why mental health matters for teachers. You are worth investing in you because you are you. You are challenged to pursue ideas for mental health and to try it. The best thing you can offer your students is the healthiest version of ourselves. We … Read More

Schools These Days

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Hans shares a story about how his puppy, Winnie, was demonstrating deregulated behavior on a  walk. Remembering his recent conversation with Dr. Carrington, she said we need “connection before direction.” 5 keys to reconnecting are listed below. Relationships and reconnection starts and ends with the adults in our schools. Children need adults to show them how to regulate when … Read More

Educator Island

Jillian DuBoisBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Manage Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: There is a commonality to all reality shows: Each episode tries to promote success attached to future outcomes.  A new idea for an educator reality show: Educator Island where contestants would increase each others’ collective confidence, self-worth, and strength into a renewed hope to return back to the passion that once fueled their creativity and craft. Challenges should be … Read More