TL;DR: It’s easy to get lost in the daily grind and forget to see one another. Personalized small talk breaks the cycle of obligatory conversation. Small, personal tokens go further to create value than mass appreciation. Small Gestures to Show Appreciation The smallest gesture can be powerful when it shows us we’re seen—not as teachers, specialists, or principals, but as … Read More
#TeachBetter22 Conference Debrief
TL;DR: Teach Better 22 felt like an eerie class reunion as we have connected online for years, but only met in real life at the conference. Teach Better Ambassadors and others volunteered to help the event run smoothly. The opportunity to connect and learn from so many individuals was an amazing experience. Teach Better 22 This blog post will talk … Read More
The Best of Teach Better 2022
TL;DR: The Teach Better Conference lit the transformational fires of the people who attended. Community is critical in affirming our ‘why,’ instigating collaboration, and inspiring us to celebrate all the ways we show up for students whether we are in classrooms, district offices, or running our own teacher-focused business. Teach Better 22 was inclusive not just by celebrating those with … Read More
Episode 37: Bite Down and Don’t Let Go with Dr. Chris Hobbs
How can we lean into our ‘working genius’? Dr. Chris Hobbs stops by the show to answer that question along with sharing his four steps to launching successful leadership efforts. That, plus your #PepTalk and more on this week’s show. MORE EPISODES
Connecting with Students Experiencing Summer “Loss”
TL;DR: While many experience feelings of joy and freedom when summer arrives, other students dread it. What are ways you can maintain connections with students over the summer months? Peace Out? Maintaining Summer Connections It was the last day of school! As I gathered my take-home treasures and sprinted with satisfaction toward the school parking lot, I couldn’t help but … Read More