TL;DR: Posts beyond the principal’s account should involve all staff and students. Involve all staff when creating posts for social media. Share curriculum information so stakeholders understand what is going on at school. Coordinate with coaches and club sponsors to ensure all groups are being represented equally on social media. Get students involved with sharing news on social media. If … Read More
Parents as Teachers: Viewing Children through the Lens of the Teacher
TL;DR: As teachers, you get the best version of the students. The way you interact with parents greatly affects their home life. While the parent-teacher relationship can be complicated, remember that both parties are acting in the best interest of the student. Communication and compromise are key in order to mutually help the student. Building a strong parent-teacher relationship raises … Read More
3 Tips for Communicating on Social Media
TL;DR: Strong communication and the use of social media establishes and strengthens relationships within the community. Tips for communicating on social media include building school social capital, activating the administrative team, and giving voice and choice. Tip #1 for Communicating on Social Media: Build School Social CapitalĀ The purpose of strong communication and the use of social media is to … Read More
Highlights of 2020: In Case You Missed It
TL;DR: This post shares highlights of Teach Better blog posts in 2020. Categories for posts include pandemic teaching, self-care, instructional strategies, conversations, growth mindset, communication, and leadership. Pandemic Teaching 3 Ways to Support Students Virtually by Chelsea Nicolino 5 Ways to Support Students and Teachers Virtually and Maintaining Rigor through Distance Learning by Chad Ostrowski Key Considerations for Educators During … Read More
Breaking the Barriers of Curriculum Design
TL;DR: There are many potential barriers to curriculum design. Potential barriers include absence of a curriculum framework, change, communication, products, funding, hidden curriculum, time, and tradition. Strategies for breaking the barriers are shared. Curriculum design is a rewarding process that provides educators with the opportunity to discuss what is essential. My experiences with curriculum design and observing the work of … Read More