Building Capacity by Letting Go

Martin SilvermanBlog, Differentiate Better, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: A few decades ago, children were given the freedom to play with less adult intervention. They learned how to self-regulate and problem solve on their own. Now, adults quickly jump in to provide solutions to every problems. We have disempowered children by controlling many aspects of their day. Snowplow parents smooth the way for their children by removing possible … Read More

Reframe Your Misunderstandings

Jillian DuBoisBlog, Connect Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Misunderstandings happen. Without clarity, we naturally react but it doesn’t have to end on a negative note. We can have control over the situation. You may be feeling fear. Consider your part in the misunderstanding. Accept there is a misunderstanding. Look for lessons learned from it. Reach out for support from trusted friends. Move on. Another day, another misunderstanding. … Read More

Learn HOW to Differentiate in Teaching

Kristen KoppersBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

TL;DR: Rather than modify assignments to differentiate instruction, change how we teach to ensure students understand the material. Not all students learn in the same way. We need to recognize when to change how we teach the lesson. We need to know our students and support them. With differentiated instruction, it is possible to meet the learning styles of all students. … Read More

Disability and Language

Teach Better TeamBlog

TL;DR: There are three types of language that people use to describe disabilities: person-first, identify-first, and person-centered. To be most respectful, connect with individuals in the community and ask for their preference in language to use. “She suffers from cerebral palsy.” “He is ‘on the spectrum’.” “She is a person with a hearing impairment.” “He is a blind man.” There … Read More

Making the Shift from “Getting by” to “Getting BETTER”

Dana GoodierBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Change your mindset from finishing the year by just getting by. Instead, recognize what you learned and how you’ve gotten better. Reflect on how you have improved this year, how you have learned from others, what you’ve learned from PD opportunities offered. Don’t go back to “just surviving” in education. Work together to be better together. Recent interview with … Read More