15 year veteran teacher, and host of Cylinder Radio Podcast, William Reusch chats with us about bringing critical thinking back to education, challenging what we believe, and teaching students HOW to think instead of WHAT to think.
'No one can compete with you for being you.' - @teecherreusch from episode 175 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XWilliam’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Social Media
- Book: “Extreme Ownership” by Jacko Willink
- Who to Follow on Instagram:
- Eric Weinstein @ericweinstein
- Joe Rogan @joerogan
- Tim Ferriss @tferriss
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: The Heterodox Academy
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Healthy lifestyle.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Be unapologetically yourself. You have good ideas, be assertive.
Links to Connect With William
- Website: www.williamreusch.com
- Twitter: @teecherreusch
- Facebook Page: Heterodox K-12 Education
- Instagram: @willreusch
- YouTube: Will Reusch