Global History Teacher, Stephanie Edmonds, chats with us about taking the power back as teachers, disrupting the way we think about education, and what it takes to make real change.
'I'm just one teacher, in one classroom, and I'm doing my thing. And that's how real change happens.' - @classdisrupti0n from episode 142 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 0:45 – Chatting about social media.
- 10:47 – Previewing the episode with Stephanie Edmonds.
- 13:17 – Stephanie introduces herself
- 14:38 – Stephanie chats about her YouTube Channel: Class Disruption
- 18:15 – Stephanie’s failure: Lack of planning for her student club showcase.
- 20:35 – Stephanie’s success: Starting the school’s first student government.
- 22:30 – What’s keeping Stephanie excited about education right now: Connecting with my earlier experiences and making sure kids get what they need to get out of education.
- 24:10 – Stephanie’s advice for teachers: Figure out what it takes to take care of you.
- 26:00 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 29:16 – Stephanie shares how to get yourself started on YouTube.
- 31:24 – How to connect with Stephanie.
Stephanie’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Google Drive and Google Classroom
- Book: “Tell Me So I Can Hear You” by Eleanor Drago-Severson and Jessica Blum-DeStefano. “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi. “Talking to Strangers” by Malcom Gladwell.
- Who to Follow on Instagram:
- Jimmy casas @casas_jimmy
- Kareem Farah (founder of modern Classroom) @kareemfarah23
- Elizabeth Merce @emercedlearning
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Kwame Sarfo-Mensa IDTALK4ED. Gary Vaynerchuck
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Meditate, workout, and eat well – everyday.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: “Give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are operating at the best of their ability.” Stephanie’s high school teacher Mr. Jaffee.
Links to Connect With Stephanie
- Twitter: @classdisrupti0n
- Facebook Page: @theclassdisruption
- Instagram: @class.disruption
- YouTube: Class Disruption