Instructional technology coach, P. Sloan Joseph, chats with us about being transparent, being reflective, and finding the humor in life.
P. Sloan shares why you need to give your students, and yourself, some grace, the importance of self-care, and why you need to water the flowers, not the weeds.
'The title is what allows me to stay at my school, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to what's best for students.' - @psjoseph718 from episode 136 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 2:00 – What’s got Rae excited right now: The new Teach Better Speakers Network.
- 6:52 – Previewing the episode with P. Sloan Joseph.
- 10:56 – P. Sloan introduces herself.
- 12:05 – P. Sloan’s failure: Not realizing that culture is the first, and most important thing.
- 14:15 – P. Sloan’s success: Past students telling her about things she did or said, that still impacts them.
- 16:11 – What’s got P. Sloan excited about education right now: Her podcast and the opportunity it provides her to share education with others not in education.
- 18:41 – P. Sloan’s advice for teachers: Take the time to have “off the content” conversations with your students. Give yourself grace.
- 21:34 – P. Sloan talks about her podcast, “Greater Is In Me.” #InformInspireInfluence
- 25:40 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 30:42 – How to connect with P. Sloan.
P. Sloan’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: YouTube
- Book: Hack Learning Series
- Who to Follow on Instagram: @Edutopia, @CultofPedagogy
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog:
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Whatever you consider self-care, do it!
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Water the flowers, not the weeds!
Links to Connect With P. Sloan.
- Twitter: @psjoseph718
- Instagram: @greaterisinme_
- Podcast: