Literacy Coach, Kelli Coons, chats with us about trying new things, taking risks, and finding your people.
‘I think that, in order for you to grow personally and professionally, I feel like that's essential, for everyone to experience some type of failure at some point in time.' - @TooLegitTeach from episode 158 of #TeachBetterTalk… Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 3:35 – Highlighting Dave Schmittou (@DaveSchmittou) NOT David Schwimmer from Friends.
- 10:12 – Previewing the episode with Kelli Coons.
- 14:02 – Kelli introduces herself.
- 15:55 – Kelli shares how she has been supporting teachers during these challenging times of school closures due to the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic.
- 23:49 – Kelli’s failure: Having her heart set on a job and then not getting that job.
- 28:24 – What’s keeping Kelli excited about education right now: How masterfully teachers have been able to flip their classrooms and reach their students through distance learning.
- 30:30 – Kelli’s advice for teachers: Find Your People!
- 33:28 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 35:37 – How to connect with Kelli.
Kelli’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Peardeck
- Book: “The Interactive Class” by Joe and Kristin Merrill.
- Who to Follow on Social Media:
- Dee Lanier @deelanier
- The Merrills @themerrillsedu
- Jennie Mageira @MsMagiera
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Jen Jones with Hello Literacy
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Morning affirmation or check in with your PLN. Connect with people who cheer for you and can make you better.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Advice came in the form of a quote by Dabo Swinney, “Don’t worry about criticism from people you wouldn’t seek advice from.”
Links to Connect With Kelli
- Twitter: @TooLegitTeach
- Instagram: @toolegitteaching