Jorge Valenzuela chats with us about how a lot of failures equate to small successes, but a lot of little successes lead to bigger successes.
Jorge shares who you should look to in order to be successful, where true happiness comes from, and lays out his 5 daily routines you need to get into.
'Lots of failures equate to small successes, but when you have a lot of little successes, eventually they lead to bigger successes.' - @JorgeDoesPBL from episode 108 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 3:26 – We restart the episode because…well, because Rae.
- 3:52 – Talking about our network, your PLN, and the power of connecting.
- 6:23 – Shoutout to our friends at IDEA for featuring Teach Better Talk in their newsletter!
- 9:06 – Previewing the episode with Jorge Valenzuela
- 14:26 – Jorge introduces himself.
- 17:22 – Jorge’s failure: Recurring failure of oversharing with colleagues.
- 20:01 – Jorge’s success: Becoming an author.
- 25:02 – What keeps Jorge excited about education: Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- 28:22 – Jorge’s advice for teachers: If you want to be successful in anything, you need to look at people that have already accomplished what you want to accomplish
- 30:23 – Jorge provides 7 quick tips for new teachers:
- Form good relationships with others
- Know your educational philosophy
- Understand the theoretical frameworks that inform how you plan and teach
- Use educational protocols
- Use learning targets
- Write your own lesson plans (and if you don’t know, learn how to)
- And take breaks and do what you love to do on those breaks. Because happiness comes from within by doing what we love to do.
- 31:56 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 38:00 – How to connect with Jorge.
Jorge’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: littleBits
- Book: “Codebreaker” by Brian Aspinal
- Who to Follow on Twitter:
- Tim Cavey @TeachersOnFire
- Michelle Moore @Michelle4EDU
- Rabbi Michael Chohen @TheTechRabbi
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Chris Woods @DailySTEM
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine: Here’s my top 5 things —
- Start your day with Prayer & meditation.
- Spend wholesome time with family and friends frequently.
- Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
- Eat healthy at least 80% of the time.
- Improve your craft on a daily basis. I like to put in 10-15 hours extra each week. I don’t recommend that everyone do the same but start with 30 minutes a day!
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: “Know thyself” and that is a quote by Socrotes. Because if I know myself — no one can tell me or make me feel otherwise.
Links to Connect With Jorge
- Website:
- Blog:
- Twitter: @JorgeDoesPBL
- Facebook Page: LifelongLearningDefined
- Instagram: @JorgeDoesPBL
- YouTube:
- Book: “Rev Up Robotics — Real World Computational Thinking in the K-8 Classroom” Coming in December 2019 through ISTE.