138: Let It Go. – Jana Zipfel chats with us about taking time to focus on relationships, the importance of self-care, and why you shouldn’t try to do everything.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

19 year teaching veteran, Jana Zipfel chats with us about taking time to focus on relationships, the importance of self-care, and why you shouldn’t try to do everything.

Jana shares how she’s implemented student led conferences, how it takes time to figure things out, and why we need to learn to let it go.

'Let things go and move on, cause tomorrow's always a new day.' - @JanaMrszipfel from episode 138 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on X

Episode Highlights

  • 1:37 – Rae talks about Seesaw, and how she uses it in her classroom.
  • 5:37 – Previewing the episode with Jana Zipfel.
  • 8:19 – Jana introduces herself.
  • 10:18 – Jana’s failure: Early years of  her career. Not taking the time to build relationships.
  • 12:55 – Jana’s success: Student led conferences.
  • 16:12 – What’s keeping Jana excited about education right now: Working toward her admin certification.
  • 18:00 – Jana’s advice for teachers: Do not try to do everything.
  • 22:20 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
  • 24:52 – How to connect with Jana.

Jana’s Recommendations

Links to Connect With Jana


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