22. Jumpstart Your Habits by Building Momentum from the Start

Michele Schmidt MooreDesign Lessons Podcast

Hey Designers:

In this episode, we are exploring how to jump start a habit by building momentum at the start.

When we talk about designing our lives and our learning experiences,  we are focusing on developing those areas of our life that are going to make us happy and healthy for a long time.

So maybe you want to build a habit that is going to strengthen your health.  Maybe you are going to build a habit that will strengthen your leadership skills.   Maybe you are going to strengthen a habit that going to help you  balance different areas of your life.

Today I’m sharing a strategy to help you gain momentum in that habit.  It’s not a long term solution, this is a strategy that is meant to jump start you in the right direction.

Listen to this episode to try out this easy 4 step strategy.

Learn how to jumpstart a habit on the Design Lessons Podcast Share on X

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