6 Ways to Promote Authentic Reflection

Teach Better TeamBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: The vitality of authentic, real reflection in our classroom. 6 ways to ensure your students’ reflection is authentic. Reflection is a vital part of the learning process. When we encourage our students to look back on their growth and reflect, we are inviting them to see clearly the progress they have made. We are helping develop their metacognition and … Read More

4 Steps to Successful Implementation of a New Idea

Jennifer AppelBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

In This Post: Success on New Year’s resolutions rarely ever happens. But why? The “New Year’s resolution” model doesn’t work for educational ideas either. Four steps to successfully implementing the new idea you’re considering. January is often a strange time at my gym. New Year’s Resolutionists show up in droves. They pack into our small yoga studio spaces with their … Read More

Accountability in Retaking Assessments

Rae HughartBlog, Differentiate Better, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

TL;DR: The importance and necessity of offering retakes. Tips to increase accountability in your students through your retake process. Why not offering retakes is diminishing the value of your content and your teaching. I have been there. Running down the hall to catch a student to remind them for the 12th time that day they need to meet with me during … Read More

Love Beyond the Classroom Walls: Creating Memories & Building Bonds

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

In This Post: 5 non-negotiables of a teacher. The value in building memories and bonds with your students. Specific examples of ways to encourage learning and build relationships. The inclusion of families. As a teacher, I have five teaching non-negotiables.  Those are the five things I have pretty much kept sacred for the seventeen years I’ve been a teacher. These include: … Read More

Boost Motivation by Bringing in What Students Love

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

In This Post: Building intrinsic motivation in our students is incredibly valuable. An introduction to self-determination theory. How to build motivation through students’ loves. Our students, like ourselves, are human beings. And, like us, they have interests, passions, and lives outside of the walls of our classrooms. When we find ways to infuse those outside interests into our content, it … Read More