Science Better: Using Models

Teach Better TeamBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Grade Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Teach Further

TL;DR: Models are a great way to determine student understanding of content. Use exemplars to inspire students to do great things. Encourage students to let their passions fuel their creativity, and give them lots of loose parts to experiment with. Provide expectations, but let students determine how they rise to those expectations. Student Designed Models I am big on student … Read More

Elementary Gone Grid: Blog Series Overview

Kari PitstickBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Grade Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

Elementary Gone Grid: Blog Series Overview Everyone knows The Grid Method Mastery Learning Framework is changing classrooms around the world. But what does it look like at the Elementary Level? This blog series shares the basics of implementing The Grid Method at the elementary level and how to create the most effective elementary grids! Posts in the Series Elementary Grids: … Read More

Elementary Grids: Tips From Our How-To Guide

Amanda BolonBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Grade Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

TL;DR: When implementing The Grid Method with primary grades, consider the physical setup of your room. Evaluate your routines. Create an environment where failure is welcomed. When a student succeeds quickly, or they need a break from learning, allow them to lead. Run student-led conferences in your classroom. Elementary Grids: Tips From Our How-To Guide Is mastery learning something elementary … Read More

Grades, Feedback, and Assessments

Kristen KoppersBlog, Grade Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: The focus in school is frequently on the grades received rather than the skills obtained. Feedback and the improvement of skills should be valued more. We all need to work together to create this change. In 2015, I attended the “What Great Educators Do Differently” conference with my colleague in education and best friend. I attended a session by … Read More

ISJ and ISNB Introduction

Teach Better TeamBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better, Teach Further

 TL;DR: Science is a messy process that leads to understanding. Students need to learn and appreciate the messy process in addition to the end result. Interactive science journals (ISJ) and interactive science notebooks (ISNB) are tools that will help students understand the difference between the process and the end result. “Take chances, make mistakes, get MESSY!” – Ms. Frizzle, The … Read More