TL;DR: Career Technical Education (CTE) explores interests & builds skills for students in middle and high school. CTE offers diverse electives and prepares students with certifications for various careers. Encouraging CTE allows students to explore passions beyond traditional college paths. So often when you meet new people one of the most common questions is, “What do you do?” Usually, I … Read More
Why Educators Should Podcast
TL;DR: Educators should podcast despite the saturation in the field; it’s a platform for personal connections and networking, fostering professional relationships with like-minded individuals interested in educational improvement. Podcasting allows you to define and share your unique perspective, offering a fresh take on crucial educational issues. Your voice could be the catalyst for inspiring others’ thoughts and actions. Despite existing … Read More
Food for Thought: Brussels Sprouts and Change
TL;DR: Just as Brussels sprouts changed, so can people and ideas. Don’t be so quick to dismiss something or someone because of one bad experience. Give grace to students, staff, parents, and the community. It isn’t very often that I can pinpoint, to the exact day, the very first time I tried a particular food for the first time. But … Read More
3 Reasons to Use Podcasting With Students
TL;DR: Tai Poole hosts an acclaimed podcast exploring diverse topics with experts, inspiring students to start their own podcasts, requiring minimal equipment but vast creativity. Podcasting develops critical skills: problem-solving, tech proficiency, and the ability to articulate ideas, aligning with modern learning standards. Creating student podcasts empowers learners, fosters global connections, and instills digital citizenship by engaging in authentic, diverse, … Read More
Parent and Educator Roles in Smartphone Use
TL;DR: Encourage open conversations, set clear screen time boundaries, monitor content, and be role models for responsible phone use to support teens’ mental health. Establish classroom policies, engage students in discussions about these rules, provide non-screen alternatives, and consistently enforce the policies to create phone-free learning environments. Parents and educators working together can mitigate the negative impact of excessive phone … Read More