Turning It All Off This Summer

Dana GoodierBlog, Self Care Better


  • Turning it all off this summer starts by first discovering how you will unwind.
  • Find reading material that is not education-related to help you unwind.
  • Structure your days with a good amount of unwindable time!
  • Share what you are doing with others to provoke thoughts and ideas.

During summer break, let your mind wander and your thoughts not be preoccupied about what you need to do to prepare for your role for the upcoming school year. Perhaps you are someone who uses the summer to catch up on everything you couldn’t get done during the school year. You may be an educator in a role that is year-round (200-260 contracted days). Whatever your role is, this blog post has tips for turning it all off, however long you are able to this summer!

Turning It All Off: Tips for Getting to That Place

Discover how you will unwind.

What helps you unwind? Is it meditating, sitting by the pool, going on long bike rides, or driving on long road trips? If you haven’t already, make sure to set aside days and times this summer when you will intentionally unwind.

If you haven't already, make sure to set aside days and times this summer when you will intentionally unwind. Share on X

Find some reading material that may not be educational-related to help you unwind.

These could include novels, memoirs, self-help books, and manuals to learn more about a hobby you may want to start (like knitting, rowing, or ultramarathon running!).

[scroll down to keep reading]

Structure your days with a good amount of unwindable time!

If you’re contracted to be working in the building, make sure you leave at an ideal time to work out or take a walk during your lunch hour. Most teachers and teachers on special assignment are on a 180-to 195-day contract, so you probably have work time off this summer. However, you’ve likely filled your days with travel and your kids’ activities. If you need some time to unwind without your partner, spouse or children, make sure you express your needs clearly to your immediate family.

Although there may be district meetings or other work commitments lurking, make sure you’ve put an “out of the office” notification on your email and stick to it! It can feel like such a relief to save those days as “I will not be responding to emails.” A few principals I’m connected with were so proud when they hit the “save” on their “out of the office” that they posted it to social!

Share with others; it can provoke thoughts and ideas.

After a less-than-walk-in-the-park of a year (!!) everyone will hopefully be taking that well-deserved time off this summer and be able to return in August or September renewed and refreshed. How will YOU ensure you have taken the time off you need? Tweet me and share how you’re unwinding. Maybe others will take your ideas to heart and read the beach read or try the fun activity you decided to try, just for the heck of it.

About Dana Goodier

Dr. Dana Goodier has 20 years of experience in education. She has taught World Languages and English and worked as a middle school administrator. She completed her doctorate degree (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership early 2020. For her dissertation, she researched reasons parents were opting their students out of high-stakes testing at middle schools and how that affected the district accreditation rating. She often speaks at conferences, providing educators with techniques to minimize off-task behavior and to increase time on task. She is the host of the “Out of the Trenches” podcast, which features educators who share their stories of resiliency. Follow her on Twitter @danagoodier and visit her website at: www.danagoodier.com