- Grit is an individual’s perseverance of effort and passion towards a goal. Share our stories of adversity with others to help them deal with theirs.
- Personal adversity can fulfill a purpose. One can help others define what they value, and set priorities and goals to realize their full potential.
- We demonstrate perseverance when we never give up.
- Obstacles of any size can be overcome with the love and support of others.
P is for Passion, Purpose, and Persistence
Purpose in life is a widely discussed topic. Educators have a noble purpose that some would characterize as a calling. Passion and persistence may also be characterized as grit. Grit is a buzzword right now in education, but it simply means that individuals have the wherewithal to push through and realize their full potential! Life is not always easy. We all carry baggage. Teachers, students, and parents all face obstacles and strive to make the right choices every day.
P is for Passion, Purpose, and Persistence: GRIT
According to Wikipedia, grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular long-term goal. I believe that, as educators, we have a responsibility to model grit for our students. Let’s face it, life can be hard! We all have stories to share about obstacles and adversity in our own life.
My question is, why don’t we share our stories more often for the good of others?? By being authentic and vulnerable we have the power to help others. We don’t have to have all the answers all the time. Our stories are powerful teaching tools and can help our students and colleagues.
You may be the only person that has the power to change a child's life. Be the difference today! Share on X
P is for Passion, Purpose, and Persistence: PASSION
My passion has always been working with at-risk students. I believe that social-emotional learning is instrumental in helping all of our students realize their full potential. Our at-risk students just have a few more obstacles to overcome. It is through our stories that we relate to one another, bond, and connect. My story about Brandon has helped many grieving students over the years. While I would love to have my brother here with me, I am thankful that my adversity can help so many.
P is for Passion, Purpose, and Persistence: PURPOSE
Winston Churchill once said, “Let no good crisis go to waste.” And that is so true. We can bring adversity to fulfill a purpose. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I know not everyone subscribes to that school of thought, but let me explain why I do.
Purpose is defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. It is also defined as one’s intention or objective. My purpose in life is to help others realize their full potential. I can use my story, the adversity in my life, to help others define what they value, and set priorities goals to realize their full potential. It is not rocket science. We exist to help one another. I am grateful that my adversity has not gone to waste.
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P is for Passion, Purpose, and Persistence: PERSISTENCE
I’ve already shared a little about my story, but I haven’t shared it all. I told you about my brother, Brandon, who drowned. He was 13, I was 15, and we had a younger brother (Dustin) who was 10 years old when Brandon drowned. Dustin was with Brandon when he drowned.
Over the years, Dustin has struggled with substance abuse. At a young age, he saw his brother die. Nine years later, our mother died of cancer. Then, he went to war and saw his fellow soldiers die. He has struggled with PTSD for many years. Trauma has had an impact on his life, and I believe he turned to drugs as a way to cope.
Unfortunately, the drugs only made matters worse. As the oldest sibling, I tried to help. Unfortunately, I have learned that we cannot help anyone until they want to make a change.
Thankfully, Dustin has now decided to make that change. He is now happily married. He and his wife have a beautiful baby boy that they named Brandon (his namesake is our brother, Brandon). Dustin has demonstrated grit over time. He’s not perfect, and (like all of us) he has made a lot of mistakes. Dustin keeps moving forward despite facing many obstacles. He still struggles with PTSD and grief issues, but with the love and support of his family, he perseveres every day!
You persevere when you…
- demonstrate courage in your attitude.
- consistently exert maximum effort.
- demonstrate endurance.
- focus your thoughts and your efforts.
- show resilience.
- demonstrate resolve.
- set goals for yourself and have a vision of what you want to accomplish.
You demonstrate perseverance when you NEVER. GIVE. UP. Babe Ruth said, “It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up.” Be that person! You deserve it and your students deserve it!!
Educators must demonstrate grit (purpose, passion, and persistence) each and every day. Modeling is a powerful teaching tool. Our students need to see others modeling grit because it is a skill necessary for success. Dustin’s story reminds me that insurmountable obstacles can be overcome with the love and support of others.
Some students only receive this type of support from their teachers, principals, and other school staff. You may be the only person that has the power to change a child’s life. That is an awesome responsibility but that is the reason #educationmatters, #leadershipmatters. Be the difference today!!
About Brandi Kelly
Mrs. Brandi Kelly is currently a Middle School Principal in the Sangamon Valley School District. Sangamon Valley Middle School is a small middle school in Illiopolis, IL west of Decatur, IL. Brandi began her career as a school social worker in the Effingham School District. She has served as a building administrator in three districts to date: Ramsey School District, Mt. Zion School District, and Sangamon Valley School District. Brandi has been in the field of education for 20 years and has served as a building administrator for 9 years. Her goal is to build teacher and student capacity by providing tools and strategies that empower and inspire others toward greatness!
Brandi believes that everyone can learn and has the potential for greatness. Relationships are incredibly important to the learning process. It is necessary for educators to invest time in students to build relationships in an effort to maximize their influence and impact.
Brandi is a wife and mother of two children. She is passionate about learning, growing, and inspiring others to do the same. She is an inspirational educator and leader and works diligently to empower others each and every day.