Challenging the Status Quo When It Comes to Power!

Nilmini Ratwatte-HenstridgeBlog, Connect Better, Differentiate Better, Reflect Better


  • Be brave and serve as an advocate for equity and inclusion.
  • Be a lifelong learner.
  • Hold positive intentions as we learn together

Blog Reflection Questions:

  1. Who holds power in education?
  2. Why does this matter?
  3. How do we change the system with positive intention and navigate spaces?

Happy New Year!

It’s been a year since I started this educational journey. This blog comes from the heart. This month, let’s talk about power. Behind every microaggression, there is a power struggle to maintain.

The one thing we know for sure is that if we don’t shift the power and promote equity and inclusion, we are always going to be continuing the same pattern of colonial perspectives in institutions such as schools. Asking for systematic changes means embracing diversity in leadership and enhancing equitable practices so that everyone in the system can learn together. I encourage you to shift your thinking and challenge the status quo especially when it comes to equity and inclusion principles in schools and how they operate.

I encourage you to shift your thinking and challenge the status quo especially when it comes to equity and inclusion principals in schools and how they operate. Click To Tweet

Shifting Power

  • It has to be done intentionally.
  • Expect backlash, anger, and barriers.
  • Challenge the status quo.
  • Ask questions, lots of them.
  • Question past practices prior to maintaining them.
  • Be prepared to be stronger than you ever thought you’d have to be.

Finding Your Support Network

  •  Collaborate with others.
  •  Seek out networking opportunities.
  •  Advocate for others.
  •  Create leadership opportunities.
  •  Embrace change.
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Finding Your Role

Finding your role entails really seeking out what you want for yourself. It’s a shift where you can make positive changes and impact the lives of a whole lot of people for the better.

  • Consider your strengths.
  •  Visualize your values and beliefs.
  • Think about what you bring to the table.
  • Consider how you can contribute.

Create Impactful changes in the Education Systems

My legacy as an educator will be to leave behind impactful, positive changes that can drive public and private education into being innovative, creative, and far-reaching. Consider the impact you’d like to have as an educator? Make a difference in your own small way. Make it your resolution.

Yours in Education,


About Nilmini Ratwatte-Henstridge

Nilmini Ratwatte-Henstridge teaches in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. She was born in Sri Lanka and immigrated to Canada with her family. As an elementary school teacher who is passionate about equity, social justice, and human rights in education, she enjoys teaching the younger generation to be global-minded citizens.

Discovering the world by connecting with others is an opportunity that we have today in our society today and she loves meeting new people! She is always learning while traveling to understand the inter-connectedness of this beautiful earth we live in! Nilmini LOVES cooking great meals, watching movies, and the latest fashion trends! Family and friends are close to her heart as she looks forward to balancing social media and navigating professional learning communities in education to network globally this year!