Unlocking Learning Potential: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Suzanne RogersBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Culturally Responsive Teaching goes beyond diversifying the curriculum. It reshapes education by embracing students’ diverse backgrounds, fostering respect, and celebrating cultural differences. CRT emphasizes authentic connections with students, integrating their cultural backgrounds into learning to foster belonging and ownership of their educational journey. CRT promotes equity in education by bridging gaps and nurturing critical thinking and empathy, preparing students … Read More

Lessons from “Entry Planning for Equity-Focused Leaders:” with Adam Parrott-Sheffer

EfraĆ­n MartinezWisdom and Productivity Podcast

Lessons from “Entry Planning for Equity-Focused Leaders:” with Adam Parrott-Sheffer As a principal transitioning into a new position, I searched for the literature on entry plans and discovered “Entry Planning for Equity-Focused Leaders: Empowering Schools and Communities.” In this practitioner-focused and action-oriented work, Jennifer Perry Cheatham, Rodney Thomas, and Adam Parrott-Sheffer consolidate their extensive experience centering equity in leadership. They … Read More

Education Considerations on Cultural Appropriation

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better

TL;DR: Have you considered how you make your impact on society by teaching something you’re passionate about? Dive deeper into understanding cultural appropriation versus appreciation. What are some teachable moments in life you can embrace to make a difference? Ah, fashion. This is the thing I’m most passionate about! It is always more than just fashion when it comes to … Read More