Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Drew Coleman, chats with us about being a lifelong learner, making decisions that are best for students, and changing the culture of our communities.
Drew talks about the importance of building relationships, constantly planning our days and weeks, and always being in reflection mode.
'I am always learning, and through my learning, I am able to help others.' - @MrDrewColeman from episode 151 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 2:04 – Chatting about our upcoming FREE PD SERIES in our private Facebook Group.
- 6:02 – Previewing the episode with Drew Coleman.
- 9:38 – Drew introduces himself.
- 14:02 – Drew’s failure: Not making decisions based on what’s best for students.
- 17:40 – Drew’s success: Changing the culture of their community.
- 20:44 – What’s keeping Drew excited about education right now: New teachers!
- 23:31 – Drew’s advice for teachers: We will never know everything. Get it out of your mind!
- 26:35 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 31:24 – How to connect with Drew.
Drew’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool: Google
- Book: “Lead with Endurance” by Greg Helmer.
- Who to Follow on Social Media:
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog:
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine:
- Daily: Wake up early and reflect about the upcoming day.
- Weekly: Reflect and journal about pros and cons and make a plan.
- Monthly: Review your plan.
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: The best advice I received is that.. Failure is inevitable. Do not quit.
Links to Connect With Drew
- Twitter: @MrDrewColeman
- Instagram: @MrDrewColeman