Sarah Lalonde chats with us about navigating the first few years of your teaching career, building strong relationships, and taking risks.
Sarah shares how she had to do a lot of unlearning to start embracing failures, the feeling of community social media can offer, and how having a podcast is like another extension of yourself.
'If it's not a HELL YES, it's a no.' - @sarahlalondee from episode 134 of #TeachBetterTalk #Podcast #TeachBetter Share on XEpisode Highlights
- 1:35 – Let’s talk goal setting for 2020.
- 13:03 – Sarah introduces herself.
- 14:02 – Talking about Sarah’s podcast, “Que Sera Sarah?”
- 17:12 – Sarah’s failure: The month of November last year.
- 21:00 – Sarah’s success: Taking her podcast to “the next level” this season.
- 23:41 – What’s keeping Sarah excited in education right now: The continuous connections, and the new conversations coming from social media and the podcast. Her students’ Eco-Friendly Thrift Store project.
- Check out the project’s Instagram! @Deuxieme.vaguee
- 28:25 – Sarah’s advice for teachers: Take risks. Go with your gut.
- 31:16 – 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less.
- 33:46 – Jeff’s EPIC BURN on Rae.
- 35:55 – How to connect with Sarah.
- 37:51 – Sarah takes us out in French!
Sarah’s Recommendations
- EdTech Tool:
- Book: “Relentless” by Hamish Brewer.
- Who to Follow on Instagram:
- YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: The Explained Show
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine:
- Tweet weekly about a successful practice in your class.
- Creates portfolio.
- Inspires others.
- Values students (if you show them).
- Best piece of advice you’ve ever received: If it’s not a HELL YES, it’s a no.
Links to Connect With Sarah
- Website:
- Twitter: @sarahlalondee
- Podcast: Que Sera Sarah?