Human-First “Withness” with Jaz Ampaw-Farr

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast

On episode 76 of the podcast, I’m talking with Jaz Ampaw-Farr about becoming united in your activism for your school community. When you work together, you can come up with even more ideas and ways to make an impact in your school. ⁠One of Jaz’s big dreams is to see a human first approach to the learning.

What can we do to invite more empathy into this space? It’s about understanding that all are coming from completely different places in their personal lives, different energy levels, different struggles and privileges. And so we can’t assume that everyone will be able to pass their class by being taught in one standard fashion.⁠ ⁠ Jaz also talks about how educators will hold themselves back from being their full selves and from making mistakes. But in order to grow, we need to be willing to take risks. We have to put ourselves on the line to get to a better place.⁠

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Guest can be found on her website.

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