143. Learning Walks that Center Student Experience

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

This episode walks through the steps of a practice in which instructional leadership teams can identify trends in pedagogy across classrooms. We’ll focus on how to collect data that centers student experience over teacher actions and what to do once the trends are identified.    Why?  We know from Hattie’s (2018) research that collective teacher efficacy has a bigger impact … Read More

142. How to Facilitate Family Partnerships with Crystal Frommert

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

In this podcast episode, Crystal Frommert shares the importance of partnering with families in students’ education.Crystal emphasizes the power of a simple phone call to build bridges and promote understanding. She also explores the complexities of navigating effective communication in these partnerships and discusses restorative practices for relationship-building with families.   Crystal Frommert, M.Ed, has over 20 years’ experience as … Read More

141. Social Justice is Integrated in Everything We Do with Dr. Judy Krause

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

In this podcast episode, Dr. Judy Krause explores the principles and implementation of anti-bias education. She discusses the four core goals of anti-bias education, how Pacific Oaks classrooms handle bullying and racism, and the importance of empowering students to be active participants in their learning. She also discusses the support structures that enable teachers to do this work well such … Read More

140. Coaching, Feedback, + Your One Thing with Mariam Plotinsky

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

In this podcast episode, Miriam Plotinsky discusses the essence of leadership in education. including the importance of humility and openness to change, and how to create effective teacher coaching programs that focus on simplicity and collaborative communication. She also discusses shared leadership and overcoming resistance, highlighting the importance of teacher and student voices in decision-making processes and providing strategies to … Read More

139. Student-Led Discussions Help Us Be Present in the Moment

Lindsay LyonsTime for Teachership Podcast, timeforteachership

The spark for this episode comes from my just-for-fun reading life. I was reading (actually listening to the amazing Lauren Graham) One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle. In Chapter 3, Serle describes the main character traveling for the first time on her own like this: “I am somewhere new where I have to be nimble, alert, present. It forces me … Read More