Pack Those Bags! Explore Teaching Internationally

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Manage Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: Top considerations for teaching internationally include making accommodations, networking, collaborating, building your portfolio, and more. Give back to the world in a way that you never did before or never thought of doing before. I never considered applying to teach at an International School…up until now. If you are considering International Education, here are your top considerations to reflect … Read More

Cutting Through Generational BS (Belief Systems)

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

TL;DR: Sometimes we do things because it is all we know rather than what is best or necessary. We all come with different belief systems that influence us. Take time to reflect on belief systems and how they may be impacting you and your school community. There was a mother that was teaching her young daughter the family secret to … Read More

Equity & Inclusion: Diving Deep Into Understanding Classism

Teach Better TeamBlog, Differentiate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Create opportunities to “level the playing field” for your students. Address classism; it benefits everyone by us doing so. Educators hold the key to making a difference when it comes to addressing classism. Deep Diving Into Understanding Classism: Equity & Inclusion Out of all the blogs I have ever yet written, this topic holds the closest spot to my … Read More

What’s the Focus?

Dave SchmittouBlog, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Every school is different and has its own goals. We should be following research, but how do we sift through it to find what will help us meet our goals? Identify your values, focus on your strengths, and determine what will motivate the change. Different Schools, Different Goals I have an amazing job. I get the opportunity to travel … Read More

Implicit Bias

Teach Better TeamBlog, Connect Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Implicit bias is when people hold ideas about groups of people without consciously realizing it. Directly teach students about bias so that they can identify it and stop it when they see it. “Equity and Inclusion Just Got Better” Blog Reflection Questions: Why is it important to consider implicit bias? How do you plan on addressing implicit bias when … Read More