Pause the TV!

Bridget GenglerBlog, Connect Better, Lead Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Morning meetings are a great way to connect with your students. They provide opportunities for Social-Emotional Learning. Morning meetings provide an outlet for students to feel heard. One thing I love about teaching is the unexpected moments when you sit and laugh with your students. Every day brings me joy and a smile because I choose to be intentional … Read More

Joyful Connections

Bridget GenglerBlog, Connect Better, Engage Better

TL;DR: Children need to know that you care about them. Find ways to connect and listen to your students. Greeting students, morning meetings, small talk, and laughter are great ways to connect. As educators, I think we all can agree that we want our students to succeed.  We want to see them flourish and thrive.  We want them to leave … Read More

Enjoy the View: Embrace the Journey

Bridget GenglerBlog, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: As teachers, we focus a lot on end results. Take the time to notice the small wins. Remember to enjoy the journey along the way. Do you sometimes spend your time focused on the end result of a particular task rather than the process to get there? I think it is part of human nature to focus on the end … Read More

Slow Summer Days: Reflect This Summer

Bridget GenglerBlog, Reflect Better, Self Care Better

 TL;DR: Sometimes it is difficult to fully recognize where the dividing line is between work and home.   Summers are meant to rejuvenate, reconnect, and reflect.  When you start to dread going back, reflect on the goodness present in teaching. After finishing another long year of teaching, one of the most challenging since 2020, you may ask yourself:  Is it worth … Read More

The Excitement in a Student’s Eye

Bridget GenglerBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lead Better

TL;DR: Empowering students allows them to be leaders. It provides opportunities for them to be creative and innovative. Creating a safe space where students feel respected and heard is important in creating this environment. Providing opportunities for students to share, listen to others’ perspectives, lead, create, and follow their own interests empowers students. Empowerment Empowerment is defined as the process … Read More