142: Just one teacher – Stephanie Edmonds chats with us about taking the power back as teachers, disrupting the way we think about education, and what it takes to make real change.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

Global History Teacher, Stephanie Edmonds, chats with us about taking the power back as teachers, disrupting the way we think about education, and what it takes to make real change. Episode Highlights 0:45 – Chatting about social media. 10:47 – Previewing the episode with Stephanie Edmonds. 13:17 – Stephanie introduces herself 14:38 – Stephanie chats about her YouTube Channel: Class … Read More

140: The Secret is in the Clichés – Aaron Else chats with us about being an optimist, focusing on giving students what they need to grow, and why the secret to life is in the clichés.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Elementary School Principal, Aaron Else, chats with us about being an optimist, focusing on giving students what they need to grow, and why the secret to life is in the clichés. Aaron shares how their school is focused on a culture of taking risks and doing what’s right for kids, the power of asking questions, and why you should … Read More

139: Scan For The Good. – Suzanne Dailey chats with us about patience, perspective, and finding that one small thing you can do today to be better, happier, and more positive. 

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 Instructional coach, Suzanne Dailey, chats with us about patience, perspective, and finding that one small thing you can do today to be better, happier, and more positive. Suzanne shares her vision for “Teach Happier,” how we need to scan for the good, and why she has the best job in the world. Episode Highlights 1:47 – Chatting about Suzanne … Read More

138: Let It Go. – Jana Zipfel chats with us about taking time to focus on relationships, the importance of self-care, and why you shouldn’t try to do everything.

Teach Better TeamTeach Better Talk Podcast

 19 year teaching veteran, Jana Zipfel chats with us about taking time to focus on relationships, the importance of self-care, and why you shouldn’t try to do everything. Jana shares how she’s implemented student led conferences, how it takes time to figure things out, and why we need to learn to let it go. Episode Highlights 1:37 – Rae … Read More

Using Conferences for Grading Students

Teach Better TeamBlog, Differentiate Better, Grade Better, Mastery Done Better, Personalize Student Learning Better

In This Post The struggle of quantifying mastery with a letter or percent. Grading conferences as a solution to this struggle! Steps to set up grading conferences in your classroom & communicate about them to stakeholders. Feedback from students on grading conferences. In a mastery learning classroom, determining student quarter or final grades can be difficult. How do you assign … Read More