Collaborative Behavior Planning: Putting Students at the Helm

Francesca RivelliniBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better

In this post: Discover the biggest problem with most student behavior plans What is a student-led behavior plan? Steps to make a student-led behavior plan work for students and teachers Let’s get this out in the open: implementing and designing behavior plans to improve the behavior of challenging students is not an easy task. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they … Read More

When is the Right Time in Teaching to…?

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

In This Post: Deciding when you should, and shouldn’t, discuss controversial topics with students. Is it ever the right time for test prep? Putting on your #GritBritches and sticking your neck out for awesomeness! When is the right time to…? Such an ever-present question, right? Have you ever found yourself wondering, “Is now a good time to discuss ____?” or … Read More

The First Moments of Instruction

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better

In This Post The beginning to any classroom can be enhanced & elevated Opportunities for student voice can add additional layers to the success of starting a class off right Technology can add a new layer to the first moments of instruction. Try it out! Starting instruction for a student happens everyday, multiple times a day and the students and … Read More

The Simple Way to Reach Behaviorally Challenging Students

Francesca RivelliniBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Manage Better


In this Post: Managing behaviors in the classroom can actually be pretty simple. Every teacher is capable of managing behaviors in their classroom. When we think about behavior, we tend to think about rules and consequences, but it’s not about that. Our classroom expectations need to be generalized to the real world. Setting effective expectations is the one thing that … Read More

Give Students a Voice and Teach Them to Build a Better World

Teach Better TeamBlog, Engage Better, Innovate Better, Lesson Plan Better

Give students a voice and teach them to build a better world

In this post: We are crafting the future leaders of our world, what do we need them to be able to do? If we’re not asking our students what they need, we’re missing opportunities to be better. Feedback can be scary, but it can also be incredibly valuable. You can’t put every suggestion into practice, but you can listen, learn, … Read More