TL;DR: We can experience and cultivate atomic love and joy throughout our day and every day using the 5 tips suggested. Invest in getting to know yourself better. This helps when dealing with adversity. Know what brings you joy and cultivate it! Share love and appreciation. Don’t be afraid to say, “I love you.” Teach Better together. Lean on each … Read More
Episode 62: Four Pillars of Leadership with Aaron Keith Hawkins
Aaron Keith Hawkins joins the show this week and shares the four pillars of leadership (relationships, clarity, mindset, and self-care) along with a powerful story of his ‘wake-up’ moment that has driven his passion for leadership. That, plus your weekly #PepTalk and so much more. MORE EPISODES
Pause the TV!
TL;DR: Morning meetings are a great way to connect with your students. They provide opportunities for Social-Emotional Learning. Morning meetings provide an outlet for students to feel heard. One thing I love about teaching is the unexpected moments when you sit and laugh with your students. Every day brings me joy and a smile because I choose to be intentional … Read More
Episode #201: Mark Chartier
Every day, Mark mentors students who must overcome serious challenges. But he knows they can persevere, because he did. Growing up with Tourette’s syndrome, Mark had poor grades and demonstrated significant behaviors, but thanks to positive relationships with his educators, he was able to defy expectations and succeed in school. As an adult, he sustained a brain injury and developed a … Read More
Joyful Connections
TL;DR: Children need to know that you care about them. Find ways to connect and listen to your students. Greeting students, morning meetings, small talk, and laughter are great ways to connect. As educators, I think we all can agree that we want our students to succeed. We want to see them flourish and thrive. We want them to leave … Read More